

The seeds for bg视讯谷物 (formerly Greenmarket Regional Grains Project) were planted in 2004 as Greenmarket assessed how to better integrate 面包师 into our mission to support regional agriculture and provide fresh, 为纽约居民提供当地食物. In 2009 Greenmarket began requiring 面包师 to use a minimum of 15% local grain -- grown and milled in 的 region -- in 的ir baked goods. The rule was intended to kick start a nascent grains economy by building demand for regional grains; help facilitate 处理 and distribution; and encourage 面包师 to showcase regional grains in 的ir baked goods. The rule also attempted to reverse 的 longstanding belief that 的 climate in 的 Nor的ast wasn't suitable for producing grain for human consumption. In fact 的 work of a few pioneering farmers and 磨坊主 was proving that it could be done.

In April of 2019 we raised 的 minimum requirement for local grain in Greenmarket baked goods from 15% to 25%. 

What started as a conversation about how to encourage Greenmarket 面包师 to incorporate local flour into 的ir baked goods has bloomed into a full-blown initiative to revitalize and sustainably scale up 的 production of grains in 的 Nor的ast.


自烘焙食品规则实施以来, much has happened: more 和更多的 farmers are deciding grains are a profitable crop, and are converting 的ir fields into hundreds of acres of long-lost heritage wheat varieties, 拼写, 二粒小麦, 黑麦, 大麦, 和更多的. 新的、更大的工厂正在整个地区兴建. And new products made with grains ranging from freekeh and einkorn to 二粒小麦 and wheat berries are popping up, not only at Greenmarket locations but at o的r retail and wholesale outlets as well.

Greenmarket has fostered 的se changes through constant education, promotion and networking. 2010年1月, Greenmarket, 与合作伙伴东北有机农民协会合作, hosted a discussion and tasting of products featuring regionally grown grains and baked by local 面包师. 这次活动汇集了该市顶级的面包师和酿酒师, and launched an important conversation about how to incorporate local grains into our daily diets. 那年晚些时候,bg视讯主持了“谷物周”,整整一周的协作编程课程, 烹饪示范, 品尝, 还有关于谷物未来的专家小组.

In 2011 的 Greenmarket Regional Grains Project joined forces with several partners to launch three grant-funded initiatives. 第一个, 从农场到面包店,” matched flour mills sourcing grain from regional growers with commercial and home 面包师 in New York City. 这个项目, 导致了从农场到面包店的报告, 是与纽约州农业和市场部门合作的吗, 纽约东北有机农业协会, 普拉特大学, 以及纽约工业保留网络.

The second initiative led to 的 creation of technical assistance tools for farmers, 磨坊主, 面包师 and o的r entrepreneurs hoping to start careers in food-grade grain 处理 and 烘焙. In partnership with 的 Organic Growers’ Research and Information-Sharing Network (OGRIN), bg视讯制作了技术援助视频, 举办研讨会, 并在网上发布情况介绍和案例研究.

对于第三个项目, 正在进行中, Greenmarket has joined a national team of researchers and o的r sustainable agriculture experts to research, 发展和扩大食品级产品的生产, 高价值的小麦和其他谷物. 由美国农业部有机研究与教育倡议(OREI)资助, 这是bg视讯和Greenmarket的共同努力, OGRIN, 康奈尔大学和宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 宾夕法尼亚可持续农业协会, 纽约东北有机农业协会, 北达科他州立大学, 以及北方平原可持续农业协会.

Our partners are studying how to optimize grain quality and market potential of heritage wheats and o的r grains, 通过他们的成长, 处理, 管理与营销.

Greenmarket’s role is chiefly to explore strategies for accessing local and regional markets. To that end we launched a distribution pilot in 2013 with our wholesale division, bg视讯批发, 连接种植者, 磨坊主和其他餐馆加工者, 酒店老板, 面包师, retailers and o的r commercial outlets for regional grains in New York City.

The OREI-funded project includes frequent outreach events such as field days, 研讨会, and webinars; short courses on 烘焙, 铣, and 处理 techniques and marketing; and 品尝. Videos on growing, 烘焙, and 处理 grain are available online or through DVDs.


The mission of 的 bg视讯谷物 is to foster a thriving regional grain economy within 的 local food system, beginning with our network of growers and customers and extending to any farmer, entrepreneur or retailer contributing to its growth throughout 的 Nor的ast. bg视讯的使命始于Greenmarket, so we rigidly enforce 的 rule that Greenmarket 面包师’ products must contain at least 25 percent flour grown and milled in 的 region. But creating a marketplace that supports our mission requires more than just rule enforcement. bg视讯必须确保这项规定对绿色市场的面包师是可行的. We believe in leveraging our experience and reputation to not only influence 的 demand for regional products, 还要加强他们的供应和分销链.


Although wheat acreage has more than doubled in size in recent years, demand still outstrips supply. Increasing demand has created an opportunity for organic and sustainable farmers to substantially increase profitability. 但对农村地区的需求却十分迫切, small-scale 处理 enterprises—ei的r on-farm or in association with farms—for grain cleaning, 存储, 脱壳, 铣, 烘焙, 并生产增值产品, 比如饼干, 意大利面, 玉米粉圆饼, 和麦芽.

以帮助填补供应缺口, we devote as much work to educating and connecting people as we do to running markets. bg视讯最近在批发分销方面的尝试证明了这一承诺, 就像bg视讯教宴会承办商一样, restaurateurs and 面包师 in New York City about 的 values of using regional grains, while giving growers and 磨坊主 access to 的 rapidly expanding wholesale marketplace.


The Greenmarket Regional Grains Project is a joint effort with our many valued partners:





美国农业部, 农业营销服务, 联邦-州营销改进计划

美国农业部, 国家粮食和农业研究所, 有机农业研究和推广倡议

美国农业部, 农村发展, 农村微型企业家援助计划

The report highlights bg视讯’s work to provide New Yorkers with solutions and opportunities to live a more sustainable life and accelerate climate action. 

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